You'll need to picture this... it is 30 minutes until the wedding ceremony starts. The wedding is all ready and one of the bridesmaids can't make it. But, that bridesmaid is necessary. Can anyone step in for her? Only one person is available and can fit into the dress. Well, yes, I did assist in the dress fitting by putting it on as a dress dummy. The only problem is that I had to stand on a box for the fitting. I'm a bit shorter than the others. Because I'm a guy, I'll need to do some tucking and stuffing. Don't forget that last week I substituted for my wife at her job. In order for me to line up with the other brides, I'll have to wear these sandals in nylons. This is exciting! The ceremony was fantastic! The only problem was that walking in that dress, I couln't see my sandals. But, ... I could feel them. When it was over, my feet were quite sore. I was ready to take a break. The only problem was that we all had to dance. Dancing in these sandals is taking a lot of balance that I'm not accustom to. The next time I go for a walk with my wife and she is walking in these sandals, I'll know to take it easy on her. Oh well, wet again! I hope that bridesmaid doesn't want these sandals back!
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